Looking in the Mirror While High Mirror Funny

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Mirrors trip me out when I'm high?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by EarlOfLemonKush, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Okay, so I was smoking in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and tripped so hard. It was like there was someone in front of me. So weird. Then I walked around my room and saw another mirror and felt like I was playing a video game of myself in third person like GTA and it was insane. So high. But yeah

    Does anyone get tripped out from mirrors while high?
    I hear on other drugs it's even worse (but I can't talk about those)
    but still weed can cause trippy imaginations/ideas

  2. 14grams

    maaan , i'm okay with mirrors when i'm high off weed. i've been high as fuck off some edibles and still good with looking in the mirror

    if this was bluelight i'd have some motherfucking stories to tell you about other times i've looked in the mirror ...............

  3. 14grams

  4. bigdankkush

    lol mirrors don't do shit to me i just stare at em for a while but only when i need to see if i need eye drops... can never tell

    but i hear when you're on (unmentionable) mirrors are like a nono

  5. Valingnor

    Valingnor Registered User

    Unfortunately he can't. No discussing other illegal intoxicants here. Only weed.
  6. King For a Day

    King For a Day Fool For A Lifetime

    Ahh I've had many a conversation with my own reflection.
  7. lbdaily

    Ya I've tripped hard off of staring at a mirror. I started to feel like I was my reflection. Pretty freaky at the time but now I'm chill at looking in the mirror, just kinda funny to see yourself baked
  8. TimeIsIllmatic

    TimeIsIllmatic They Call Me the Pussy Destroyer

    Next time your high and you look in a mirror, just look yourself in the eyes and say "I'ma fucking boss!". Haha, seriously, confidence leads to a positive thoughts and positive thoughts lead to a good high.

    Oh and VA represent dude! 540 all day! Where you at?

  9. Reflections were always the most curious thing when I was tripping on unmentionables... there's just something about them but idk what.
  10. Gucci1017

    Sometimes looking in the mirror makes me feel more high when I look really high, because I see how red my eyes are and get an instant head rush
  11. Tim510


    Oh mirrors how I love you.
    I once sat in front of a mirror trying to see the reflection of myself through the reflection of yourself you get on your eye. Idk if this makes sense, but if you stood in front of a mirror and looked you would get what I mean.
  12. Pandy90

    I used to get freaked out by this too, but i started starring at myself in the mirror in a slightly lit room and thinking of someone or something else and watching my face turn into whatever I was thibking of. I do it all the time, it's freaky but awesome!
  13. BurnAFewDown

    BurnAFewDown Shatter Smoker

    Aha.... Another "i tripped balls ON WEED" threads.....
  14. Greenunit

    Gold Member

    This one time I was just staring at my eyeball in the mirror for like half an hour... It was so interesting and I could see so many details in my iris and I kept making my pupils grow and shrink (closing and opening one eye) it was so cool.

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Source: https://forum.grasscity.com/threads/mirrors-trip-me-out-when-im-high.1189788/

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